
Please visit our online store to browse adorable and affordable children's apparel. www.mylittleclothesline.com

Monday, August 15, 2011

Bargain Box sample

I know we've intrigued some of you all with our Bargain Boxes. And yet, you wonder, HOW do they manage to sell them for so cheap?? Well the fact of the matter is, mylittleclothesline (when you include shipping) is not doing this for profit. We are simply torn when we have a perfectly fine piece of apparel and yet some a tiny stain, or a spot that is just a LITTLE too worn makes it fail our quality test. We will never put anything in a Bargain Box that is not functional (i.e. torn, missing button, zipper doesn't work etc...) We simply love that they are still able to used by children around the United States, and frankly, we love being able to offer them as such cheap prices for our loyal customers. Here is a sample of some pajamas that will be in a future Bargain Box:

Disney PJs $1.50

As these sell pretty quickly, we encourage you to click HERE to look at our currently listed Bargain Boxes.

Happy Hunting!

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