
Please visit our online store to browse adorable and affordable children's apparel. www.mylittleclothesline.com

Monday, August 29, 2011

Halloween is coming! Keep those little ones safe!

Top tips to keep your kids safe on Halloween from Safe Kids USA

For parents and children:
  • Choose light-colored costumes that can be seen in the dark.
  • Decorate your children's costumes with reflective materials.  Give them flashlights and glowsticks to carry in order to see better, as well as be seen by drivers.
  • Cross the street safely at corners, using traffic signals and crosswalks. Look left, right and left again when crossing and keep looking as you cross. Walk, don’t run, across the street.
  • Walk on sidewalks or paths. If there are no sidewalks, walk facing traffic as far to the left as possible.
  • Children should walk on direct routes with the fewest street crossings.
  • Slow down and stay alert - watch out for cars that are turning or backing up and never dart out into the street or cross in between parked cars.
  • Masks can obstruct a child's vision, so choose non-toxic face paint, make-up, and wigs instead.
For drivers:
  • Slow down in residential neighborhoods and school zones.
  • Remember that popular trick-or-treating hours are between 5:30 and 9:30 p.m. so be sure to turn on your full headlights.
  • Be especially alert and take extra time to look for kids at intersections, on medians and on curbs. Children are excited on Halloween and may move in unpredictable ways.
  • Slowly and carefully enter and exit driveways and alleys.
  • Reduce any distractions inside your car, such as talking on the phone or eating, so you can concentrate on the road and your surroundings.
  • While pedestrian safety is a main concern on Halloween, parents and kids should also be careful when dealing with candy. Remind children to only eat treats in original and unopened wrappers.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Monday, August 22, 2011

Do you have a 4T boy?

We've just uploaded a number of long sleeves tops for the fall/winter season. Check out the website for prices and purchasing, but meanwhile here are some pictures!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Bargain Box sample

I know we've intrigued some of you all with our Bargain Boxes. And yet, you wonder, HOW do they manage to sell them for so cheap?? Well the fact of the matter is, mylittleclothesline (when you include shipping) is not doing this for profit. We are simply torn when we have a perfectly fine piece of apparel and yet some a tiny stain, or a spot that is just a LITTLE too worn makes it fail our quality test. We will never put anything in a Bargain Box that is not functional (i.e. torn, missing button, zipper doesn't work etc...) We simply love that they are still able to used by children around the United States, and frankly, we love being able to offer them as such cheap prices for our loyal customers. Here is a sample of some pajamas that will be in a future Bargain Box:

Disney PJs $1.50

As these sell pretty quickly, we encourage you to click HERE to look at our currently listed Bargain Boxes.

Happy Hunting!