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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Baby Gas

What treatment is available for baby’s gas problems?

Burping the baby thoroughly will reduce the amount of air in the stomach, so that it does not pass on to the intestinal tract. Unfortunately, burping is not 100% effective at eliminating gas, since it has absolutely no effect on the gas created in the intestines during normal digestion. There are baby massage techniques which may prove effective in helping baby to release gas. Simply applying light pressure on the tummy can soothe and help. You can also try carrying baby in the “football hold” – face down on your forearm with baby’s legs straddling your elbow and baby’s chin resting in your hand. Again, the gentle pressure placed on the little tummy can help soothe and release baby’s gas.
There are several treatments available for infant gas. As always, you should consult your pediatrician first before giving baby any medications, remedies or supplements.

  • Sodium Bicarbonate (a.k.a. Baking Soda) is used in several gripe water brands that are sold as dietary supplements. Be careful! These are not regulated by the FDA and fall under loose dietary supplement guidelines. Sodium bicarbonate is an alkali which counteracts the PH of stomach acid which is naturally created in the baby’s stomach. It can temporarily relieve some discomfort caused by acid reflux. Unfortunately, sodiumbicarbonate is absorbed into the bloodstream and can have unwanted side effects. Forthis reason, sodium bicarbonate is not to be consumed by children under an age five years, as stated clearly on baking soda boxes. Even for adults, it should not be used for more than 2 weeks or for recurring conditions. According to some doctors, sodium bicarbonate can cause an imbalance in babies' electrolites which can lead to serious problems.
  • Essential Oils and Herbal Extracts (dill, fennel, etc.) are used by some gripe water brands and sold as dietary supplements. Again, be careful as these are not regulated by the FDA. There are known safety issues with essential oils. Many experts believe they are not to be taken internally by adults, let alone infants. Please be well advised of all possible side effects before giving essential oils to your baby, no matter how small the concentrations.
  • Homeopathic formulas can be an excellent choice for treating infant gas symptoms.Homeopathic medicine is completely allergen-free and side-effect-free. There is only one such liquid formula on the market. Colic Calm Gripe Water is available on-line and in select health food stores and health practitioners’ offices. Colic Calm has a success rate of over 95% in treating infant gas andcolic. Many parents and caretakers have been relieved to find an all-natural remedy. The unique homeopathic formula works within minutes, so it is only given on an “as needed” basis. Thousands of satisfied customers have also reported that ColicCalm works wonders for bloating, pressure, stomach cramps, and even hiccups. It is also extremely effective on gas created during introduction of new foods into babies’ delicate digestive tracts. Read more about how Colic Calm Gripe Water Treats Newborn, Infant and Baby Gas Problems

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