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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Want your child to stimulate their brain while they play?

Play that WORKS

1. Board Games/ card games: (Sorry, Risk, Yatzee, Othello, Trouble, Monopoly, concentration, war, Uno, hang-man, tick-tac-toe)
 Skills: math skill, interpersonal skills, critical thinking skills, executive functions
2. Sports: (soccer, biking, baseball, running, swimming, dance, skiing, martial arts)Skills: sensory input, gross motor skills, interpersonal skills, critical thinking skills, executive functioning
3. Art (playdough, clay, paint, crayons, shaving cream, beads, cutting)
Skills: sensory input, fine motor skills, gross motor skills, interpersonal skills
(sometimes), critical thinking skills
4. Music (piano, singing, guitar, spoons, pots & pans)
Skills: math skills, sensory input, fine motor skills, gross motor skills,
interpersonal skills
5. Building (legos, blocks,trains, puzzles)
Skills: math skills, sensory input, fine motor skills, gross motor skills,
interpersonal skills (sometimes), critical thinking skills
6. Make-believe (figures, dolls, stuffed animals, dress-up, boxes)
Skills: language skills, math skills, sensory input, interpersonal skills
(sometimes), critical thinking skills, executive functioning
7. Word games (rhyming, make-up words, puns, categories)
Skills: language skills, math skills, sensory input, interpersonal skills
(sometimes), critical thinking skills, executive functioning
8. Playground equipment: (slides, swings, see-saw, jungle gym, monkey bars)
Skills: language skills, critical thinking skills, interpersonal skills, sensory input)

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