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Thursday, December 2, 2010

Christmas Tree Oh! Christmas Tree

Well Hon? What do you think of this one?

Easton was more interested in what the parking lot had to offer

sigh....What a helper!

I know where this goes! (*hey! gimme that Easton*)

I'm very proud of my tree I helped destr- er....decorate!

And yes, in case you were wondering, Russell was still in work clothes and Easton insists on being outside in our cold garage "playing hockey" at all hours (hence the runny nose). :)


  1. We are going out tonight to get our tree...it won't be in a parking lot with no snow though :) We are supposed to be getting 5-8 inches of snow so that's what we'll be tromping around in to search for the perfect tree. Afterwards we'll all look forward to the hot choc and cookies and decorating the tree. Wish you were here to join us!!

    (watching that cute little outfit...if its still around when Jen has her baby and IF it's a girl, I'll snatch it up)

  2. the tree search sounds fun actually (though I know in reality it can be...um...exhausting :) but I like the hot chocolate and cookies part!)
    And are you telling me that you won't get that darling outfit if it's a boy?! :)

  3. I love that last picture of him! He is SUCH a little honey!
